Tell the system we are using schema gmp, so next time we can just type the table name.
e.g. select * from tb_user
db2 list node directory
db2 list database show detail
connect to [dbname] user [username] using [password]
select row_number() over( ) r from table a where = ?
How to identify unicode characters in DB2?
length( str )
returns the byte length of [str]
e.g. select length('陳大文') from sysibm.sysdummy1;
Result is 9 because each Chinese character occupies 3 bytes.
substr( str, [start], [length] )
returns the sub string of length [length] in [str] from the [start] byte.
e.g. select substr( 'apple', 2, 2 ) from sysibm.sysdummy1;
returns "pp"
Warning!!! Substr() is not appropriate for strings containing unicode characters
character_length( str, [encoding] )
returns the character length of [str]
e.g. select character_length('陳大文', CODEUNITS32) from sysibm.sysdummy1;
Result is 9 because each Chinese character occupies 3 bytes.
substring( str, [start], [length], [encoding] )
returns the sub string of length [length] in [str] from the [start] byte.
e.g. select substring('陳大文', 2, 1, CODEUNITS32) from sysibm.sysdummy1;
returns "大"
If you want to go through each character of a string, remember to use character_length( str, [encoding] ) to count the number of character first, then for each character, use length() to check if it is a unicode character, thanks.
Avoid using "not exist", use "minus" if possible
Using "NOT IN"
select * from table a where not in (1,2,3)
Same result using "minus"
select * from table aminus
select * from table a where in (1,2,3)
Export csv
export to c:\abc\table.csv of del
select * from table a
Check tables / columns / indexes / procedures
select * from syscat.tables where tabname like 'ABC%'
select * from syscat.columns where tabname like 'ABC%' and colname like 'ABC%'
select * from syscat.indexes where ...
select * from syscat.procedures where procname like 'ABC%'
select * from syscat.functions where funcname like 'ABC%'