2018年8月27日 星期一

[轉載都市日報 20180824] 轉按律師費最平幾錢?


2018年8月24日 星期五

[ServiceNow] Email Notification > Send to Event Creator

I think that it is misleading.

The Notification will not be sent to the User who caused the Notification to be triggered unless Send to event creator is checked.

Send to event creator doesn't add that person to the list of recipients. It simply doesn't omit him if he IS in the list...

2018年8月17日 星期五

[ServiceNow] Simple UI Page using Jelly

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<j:jelly trim="false" xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:g="glide" xmlns:j2="null" xmlns:g2="null">
<!-- query -- >
<g:evaluate var="jvar_gr" object="true">

 var gr = new GlideRecord("u_email_lookup");







<!-- iterate gliderecord -- >
<table border="1"> <j:while test="${jvar_gr.next()}"> <tr> <td style="padding:5px"><a href="incident.do?sys_id=${jvar_gr.getValue('u_email')}">${jvar_gr.getValue('u_email')}</a></td> <td style="padding:5px">${jvar_gr.getValue('u_category')}</td> <td style="padding:5px"> ${jvar_gr.getValue('u_subcategory')}</td> </tr> </j:while> </table> </j:jelly>

2018年8月9日 星期四

[JAVA] Google Authenticator 2FA Implementation / TOTP

Library / file required:

Apache Commons Codec


Download TOTP.java


Put TOTP.java and Test.java together and run.

Good luck.

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base32;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;

public class Test {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  String seed = "JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP";

 public static String getTOTPCode(String secretKey) {
  String normalizedBase32Key = secretKey.replace(" ", "").toUpperCase();
  Base32 base32 = new Base32();
  byte[] bytes = base32.decode(normalizedBase32Key);
  String hexKey = Hex.encodeHexString(bytes);
  long time = (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) / 30;
  String hexTime = Long.toHexString(time);
  return TOTP.generateTOTP(hexKey, hexTime, "6");


[C#] Google Authenticator 2FA Implementation / TOTP

Here you go!

Create a "Window Console Application" and paste the following code to Program.cs, then press Ctrl F5.

Good Luck!

For Java implementation of Totp, please visit https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6238

namespace ConsoleApp1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string secret = "JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP";
            var bytes = Base32Encoding.ToBytes(secret);

            var totp = new Totp(bytes);

            var result = totp.ComputeTotp();
            var remainingTime = totp.RemainingSeconds();

    public class Totp
        const long unixEpochTicks = 621355968000000000L;

        const long ticksToSeconds = 10000000L;

        private const int step = 30;

        private const int totpSize = 6;

        private byte[] key;

        public Totp(byte[] secretKey)
            key = secretKey;

        public string ComputeTotp()
            var window = CalculateTimeStepFromTimestamp(DateTime.UtcNow);

            var data = GetBigEndianBytes(window);

            var hmac = new HMACSHA1();
            hmac.Key = key;
            var hmacComputedHash = hmac.ComputeHash(data);

            int offset = hmacComputedHash[hmacComputedHash.Length - 1] & 0x0F;
            var otp = (hmacComputedHash[offset] & 0x7f) << 24
                   | (hmacComputedHash[offset + 1] & 0xff) << 16
                   | (hmacComputedHash[offset + 2] & 0xff) << 8
                   | (hmacComputedHash[offset + 3] & 0xff) % 1000000;

            var result = Digits(otp, totpSize);

            return result;

        public int RemainingSeconds()
            return step - (int)(((DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - unixEpochTicks) / ticksToSeconds) % step);

        private byte[] GetBigEndianBytes(long input)
            // Since .net uses little endian numbers, we need to reverse the byte order to get big endian.
            var data = BitConverter.GetBytes(input);
            return data;

        private long CalculateTimeStepFromTimestamp(DateTime timestamp)
            var unixTimestamp = (timestamp.Ticks - unixEpochTicks) / ticksToSeconds;
            var window = unixTimestamp / (long)step;
            return window;

        private string Digits(long input, int digitCount)
            var truncatedValue = ((int)input % (int)Math.Pow(10, digitCount));
            return truncatedValue.ToString().PadLeft(digitCount, '0');


    public static class Base32Encoding
        public static byte[] ToBytes(string input)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            input = input.TrimEnd('='); //remove padding characters
            int byteCount = input.Length * 5 / 8; //this must be TRUNCATED
            byte[] returnArray = new byte[byteCount];

            byte curByte = 0, bitsRemaining = 8;
            int mask = 0, arrayIndex = 0;

            foreach (char c in input)
                int cValue = CharToValue(c);

                if (bitsRemaining > 5)
                    mask = cValue << (bitsRemaining - 5);
                    curByte = (byte)(curByte | mask);
                    bitsRemaining -= 5;
                    mask = cValue >> (5 - bitsRemaining);
                    curByte = (byte)(curByte | mask);
                    returnArray[arrayIndex++] = curByte;
                    curByte = (byte)(cValue << (3 + bitsRemaining));
                    bitsRemaining += 3;

            //if we didn't end with a full byte
            if (arrayIndex != byteCount)
                returnArray[arrayIndex] = curByte;

            return returnArray;

        public static string ToString(byte[] input)
            if (input == null || input.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            int charCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(input.Length / 5d) * 8;
            char[] returnArray = new char[charCount];

            byte nextChar = 0, bitsRemaining = 5;
            int arrayIndex = 0;

            foreach (byte b in input)
                nextChar = (byte)(nextChar | (b >> (8 - bitsRemaining)));
                returnArray[arrayIndex++] = ValueToChar(nextChar);

                if (bitsRemaining < 4)
                    nextChar = (byte)((b >> (3 - bitsRemaining)) & 31);
                    returnArray[arrayIndex++] = ValueToChar(nextChar);
                    bitsRemaining += 5;

                bitsRemaining -= 3;
                nextChar = (byte)((b << bitsRemaining) & 31);

            //if we didn't end with a full char
            if (arrayIndex != charCount)
                returnArray[arrayIndex++] = ValueToChar(nextChar);
                while (arrayIndex != charCount) returnArray[arrayIndex++] = '='; //padding

            return new string(returnArray);

        private static int CharToValue(char c)
            int value = (int)c;

            //65-90 == uppercase letters
            if (value < 91 && value > 64)
                return value - 65;
            //50-55 == numbers 2-7
            if (value < 56 && value > 49)
                return value - 24;
            //97-122 == lowercase letters
            if (value < 123 && value > 96)
                return value - 97;

            throw new ArgumentException("Character is not a Base32 character.", "c");

        private static char ValueToChar(byte b)
            if (b < 26)
                return (char)(b + 65);

            if (b < 32)
                return (char)(b + 24);

            throw new ArgumentException("Byte is not a value Base32 value.", "b");


2018年8月6日 星期一


  1. 致電八達通顧客服務熱線2266 2222
  2. 按 1 選廣東話
  3. 按 3 > 1 > 1 > 5
  4. 輸入 [八達通卡號碼] > # > 身份證頭6位數字 > 按 1 確認


